Dark Deity LTC (Hero Difficulty) – Chapter 8

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Completed in 3 turns.

While this map does involve Alden doing his thing, Brooke gets some time in the sun with her Duelist class actually doing some work in the left section. This map has some early instances of extremely dodgy enemies, most of whom are to the right which is why I don’t push far that direction. Thankfully I only really need to deal with one of them before the map ends. Also, Caius is very good in Strider class, he can fight things and do big damage for a while.

In base prep, I upgraded Alden’s balance weapon twice, Brooke’s balance weapon once, and Bianca’s power weapon once. If Alden gets a Magic growth on level up, he can start to 1-round the cavs without any procs. I bank on getting a speed growth for Brooke on level up, in order to double the cavs on the left with the balance weapon. I considered buying her a speed booster, but decided that the 50/50 on the growth being basically the only thing reset-worthy in the map was fair enough and not too scummy.


1 thought on “Dark Deity LTC (Hero Difficulty) – Chapter 8”

  1. I'm surprised Irving isn't getting any love for LTC purposes. I know he's a bit of a drag early on but I felt like the man DOMINATED late game with his class combo regularly hitting over 100% crit.

    Also idk if Bianca is someone who's actually gonna be used but what's the thought process behind Surge Bianca? Is it just for the magic range?


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