"LEEROOOOOOY JENKINS!!!" Let's Play: Dark Deity VI (Hero Mode)

Get Dark Deity on Steam ➜ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1374840/Dark_Deity/

Bonds: 0:30
Pre-Battle Story: 5:12
Battle: 12:00
Post-Battle Story: 1:01:32

We gain a new party member whose bravery makes up for his lack of brains…maybe. In the same spirit of stupid, I accidently killed the last inquisitor before wiping out the rest of the goons, losing out on some delightful exp -___-. Don’t quote me on this, but I think each inquisitor deals 1 damage/round to the aqueduct, so maybe that’ll give you a better estimate on how much time you have left to farm mooks, assuming you also want to play Dark Deity!.
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1374840/Dark_Deity/#:~:text=Save%2020%25%20on%20Dark%20Deity%20on%20Steam&text=Command%20legendary%20heroes%20to%20reshape,their%20way%20to%20become%20legends.

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