MK404 Plays Dark Deity PT4 – D.R.A.G.O.N.[Ch. 14-17]

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Recorded on July 20, 2022
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Irving’s overseas escapades has him stealing a gemstone from a ruins before being devoured by poison gas, then the gemstone tells him to go to another set of ruins and fight his mirror image, which he wins handily. After being handed more Infinity Stones than God, he puts them to work on his crew as he establishes a new base of operations, but first he’s gotta take care of a baby dragon. No need for Time Wizard, the swelling of our heroes’ muscles is all they need.

They return home to the warfront and find that King Varic has made a huge mess of things so they decide to set right a wrong they helped in previously by freeing a bunch of prisoners, including that Alexa chick from the second session. Also Irving rides a dragon too. He’s earned it why not?



0:00 – Introduction/Chapter 14
1:33:37 – Chapter 15
1:55:25 – Chapter 16
2:33:56 – Chapter 17


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